Contact us
Harare | (263-4) 620301-9 or (263-4) 2921765 / 6 | (263-772) 565 823/824/825 | (263-4) 620300 |
Bulawayo | (263-9) 478166/7 or (263-9) 472803/4 | (263-9) 478166/7 |

In these extremely challenging times, we would like to share our heartfelt support and solidarity with you and your families. At Tsebo, the health and safety of our colleagues, customers, partners and the communities in which we operate is our number one priority. We have a nearly 50-year legacy of providing responsible workplace management solutions and we are committed to doing all we can to keep everyone safe.
As governments around the world are implementing measures to contain this public health crisis, we have been taking strict precautions to protect our colleagues and their families, while securing customer service. Various businesses in the Tsebo family, are considered essential during times of crisis as we form part of local food supply chains, the security industry, as well as a critical player in public health and hygiene. Furthermore, we have extensive contingency plans in place securing our supply chain and ongoing businesses.
Tsebo Solutions Group established a joint Crisis Management team that meets daily to monitor the COVID-19 situation. This committee is in daily contact with the relevant government agencies and public health authorities to ensure we are informed to take the necessary decisions and actions. We have been proactively implementing a range of precautionary measures, from stringent sanitation and cleaning protocols, to workplace distancing, work-from-home policies and international travel bans. For more information on Tsebo’s response to the virus, business contingency plans, preventative educational campaigns to minimise the spread of the virus and more, please visit Tsebo’s:
Please note that Tsebo has established an email address which is available to our customers as one central channels of communication for any request or enquiry. The emails are received by Senior Management who ensure that requests for assistance are actioned as soon as practically possible.
In closing, we are here to support you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you require any help or assistance.
Stay safe,